UI Testing in Xcode
Wil Turner Developer Tools Brooke
Callahan Developer Tools
- UI testing
- Find and interact with UI elements
- Validate UI properties and state
- UI recording
- Test reports
Xcode’s testing framework
- Test case subclasses
- Test methods
- Assertions
- Integrated with Xcode
- CI via Xcode Server and xcodebuild
- Swift and Objective-C
Testing Matrix
- Rich semantic data about
- UI UIKit and AppKit integration
- APIs for fine tuning
- UI tests interact with the app the way a user does
- UI testing depends on new OS features
- iOS 9
- OS X 10.11
- Privacy protection
- iOS devices
- Enabled for development
- Connected to a trusted host running Xcode
- OS X must grant permission to Xcode Helper
- Prompted on first run
- iOS devices
Getting Started
- Xcode target type
- APIs
- UI recording
UI Testing Xcode Targets
- UI tests have special requirements
- Execute in a separate process
- Permission to use Accessibility
- New Xcode target templates
- Cocoa Touch UI Testing Bundle (iOS)
- Cocoa UI Testing Bundle (OS X)
- “Target to be Tested” setting
Three new classes
- XCUIApplication
- XCUIElement
- XCUIElementQuery
UI Recording
- Interact with your app
- Recording generates the code
- Create new tests
- Expand existing tests
What Did You See?
- Adding a UI testing target
- Using recording
- Finding UI elements
- Synthesizing user events
- Adding validation with XCTAssert
UI Testing API
Testing the Add button
// application:
let app = XCUIApplication()
// element and query:
let addButton = app.buttons["Add"]
// assertion:
XCTAssertEqual(app.tables.cells.count, 1)
- Proxy for the tested application
- Tests run in a separate process
- Launch
- Always spawns a new process
- Implicitly terminates any preexisting instance
- Starting point for finding elements
- Proxy for elements in application
- Types
- Button, Cell, Window, etc.
- Identifiers
- Accessibility identifier, label, title, etc.
- Most elements are found by combining type and identifier
Element Hierarchy
Element Uniqueness
- Every XCUIElement is backed by a query
- Query must resolve to exactly one match
- No matches or multiple matches cause test failure
- Failure raised when element resolves query
- Exception
- exists property
Event Synthesis
- Simulate user interaction on elements
- APIs are platform-specific
button.click() // OS X
button.tap() // iOS
textField.typeText("Hello, World!") // iOS & OS X
API for specifying elements
- Queries resolve to collections of accessible elements
- Number of matches:count
- Specify by identifier: subscripting
- Specify by index:elementAtIndex()
How do queries work?
- Relationships
- Filtering
Expressing relationships
- Descendants
- Children
- Containment
- Element type
- Button, table, menu, etc.
- Identifiers
- Accessibility identifier, label, title, etc.
- Predicates
- Value, partial matching, etc.
Combining Relationships and Filtering
So common, we provide convenience API for each type
let allButtons = app.descendantsMatchingType(.Button)
let allCellsInTable = table.descendantsMatchingType(.Cell)
let allMenuItemsInMenu = menu.descendantsMatchingType(.MenuItem)
can also:
let allButtons = app.buttons
let allCellsInTable = table.cells
let allMenuItemsInMenu = menu.menuItems
Differentiates between any descendant and a direct child relationship
let allButtons = app.buttons // descendantsMatchingType(.Button)
let childButtons = navBar.childrenMatchingType(.Button)
Find elements by describing their descendants
let cellQuery = cells.containingType(.StaticText, identifier:"Groceries")
Predicate variant also available
Combining relationships and filtering
Combining Queries
Queries can be “chained” together Output of each query is the input of the next query
let labelsInTable = app.tables.staticTexts
Getting Elements from Queries
- Subscripting
- table.staticTexts[“Groceries”]
- Index
- table.staticTexts.elementAtIndex(0)
- Unique
- app.navigationBars.element
Evaluating Queries
- Queries are evaluated on demand
- XCUIElement
- Synthesizing events
- Reading property values
- XCUIElementQuery
- Getting number of matches (.count)
- Getting all matches (.allElementsBoundByAccessibilityElement)
- Re-evaluated when UI changes
Queries and Elements
Similar to URLs
- Creating a URL does not fetch a resource
- URL could be invalid, error raised when requested
- Queries and elements
- Just a specification for accessible elements in the tested application
- Not resolved until needed
API Recap
Accessibility and UI Testing
Debugging tips
- Not accessible
- Custom view subclasses
- Layers, sprites, and other graphics objects
- Poor accessibility data
- Tools
- UI recording
- Accessibility inspectors
Improving data
- Interface Builder inspector
- UIAccessibility (iOS)
- NSAccessibility (OS X)
What Did You See?
- Advanced UI testing
- Correcting queries
- Looping over elements
- Improving accessibility
Test Reports
UI Refresh
- Show results for all tests
- Pass/fail
- Failure reason
- Performance metrics
- Same UI in Xcode and in Xcode Server
- Per-device results for Xcode Server
UI testing additions
- New data
- Screenshots
- Nested activities
Nested activities
- UI testing APIs have several steps
- Typing into a textfield
- Wait for the app to idle
- Evaluate the textfield query
- Synthesize the text input
- Wait for the app to idle
- QuickLook for screenshots
When to Use UI Testing
Using UI Testing
- Complements unit testing
- Unit testing more precisely pinpoints failures
- UI testing covers broader aspects of functionality
- Find the right blend of UI tests and unit tests for your project
Candidates for UI Testing
- Demo sequences
- Common workflows
- Custom views
- Document creation, saving, and opening
- UI testing
- Find and interact with UI elements
- Validate UI properties and state
- UI recording
- Test reports
More Information
Testing in Xcode Documentation
Accessibility for Developers Documentation
Apple Developer Forums
Stefan Lesser
Developer Tools Evangelist