原文: http://i.linuxtoy.org/docs/guide/ch02s02.html
构建于图表界面之上的操作系统,使用鼠标作为主输入设备,是否使用缩写并不重要。比如Windows系统中的目录,几乎都是全称。。。点击两次鼠标进入文件夹pf,并不意味着点击13次才能进入文件夹Program Files
而构建于命令行之上的操作系统,如Linux,只要3个字母以上的单词,几乎都要缩写。例如:cd命令是Change Directory的缩写。作为常用命令,如果使用它的全称Change Directory绝对是无聊和乏味的工作。
cd Change Directory
dd Disk Dump
df Disk Free
du Disk Usage
pwd Print Working Directory
ps Processes Status
PS Prompt Strings
su Substitute User
rc Run Command
Tcl Tool Command Language
cups Common Unix Printing System
apt Advanced Packageing Tool
bg BackGround
ping Packet InterNet Grouper
chsh CHange SHell
chmod CHange MODe
chown CHange OWNer
chgrp CHange GRoup
bash Bourne Again SHell
zsh Z SHell
ksh Korn SHell
ssh Secure SHell
GNU GNU’s Not Unix
PHP PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
RPM RPM Package Manager
WINE WINE Is Not an Emulator
PNG PNG’s Not Gif
nano Nano’s ANOther editor
** 有些缩写可能有多种定义,如:
RPM Package Manager
RetHad Package Manager
Basic Calculator
Better Calculator
Emacs May Allow Customized Screwups
Emacs Manuals Are Cryptic and Surreal
Eventually Munches All Computer Storage
Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping
Elsewhere Maybe All Commands are Simple
Excellent Manuals Are Clearly Suppressed
Emacs May Alienate Clients and Supporters
Except by Middle Aged Computer Scientists
Extended Macros Are Considered Superfluous
Every Mode Accelerates Creation of Software
Each Manual's Audience is Completely Stupefied
Exceptionally Mediocre Algorithm for Computer Scientists
Easily Maintained with the Assistance of Chemical Solutions
Eradication of Memory Accomplished with Complete Simplicity
cp CoPy
ln LiNk
ls LiSt
mv MoVe
rm ReMove
bin BINaries
dev DEVices
etc ETCetera
lib LIBrary
var VARiable
proc PROCesses
sbin Superuser BINaries
tmp TeMPorary
usr Unix Shared Resources
diff DIFFerences
cal CALendar
cat CATenate
ed EDitor
exec EXECute
tab TABle
regexp REGular EXPression
dmesg Disgnostic MESsaGe
sed Stream EDitor
stty Set TTY
fstab FileSystem TABle
passwd PASSWorD
awk Aho Weiberger and Kernighan
gawk GNU AWK
gpg GNU Privacy Guard
grep GNU Regular Expression Print
egrep Extended GREP
定义中包含自身缩写,如 GNU:
GNU’s Not Unix
(GNU’s Not Unix)’s Not Unix
(((((GNU’s Not Unix)’s Not Unix)’s Not Unix)’s Not Unix)’s Not Unix)’s Not Unix ……